Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nickelodeon Universe

Mike had the day off yesterday so I decided we should all get out of the house for a bit. We went to the Mall of America to walk around and decided to take Andie on some rides at the new Nickelodeon Universe (formally known as: Camp Snoopy and Park at MOA)
I attempted to take her on a mini roller coaster (very hills or even bumps just a very small oval) we scanned our point card and chose our car and got buckled in. Then Andie decided she ''didn't like it'' and had a small melt down. The worker had to release us from our lap harness and we got off and got our points credited back. So, I decided to try the carousel. I mean, what kid doesn't like the carousel, it has a plethora of animals you get to choose to ride and it just goes round and round. I chose the giraffe that was stationary and does not go up and down thinking that would be our best bet of her first successful ride. I put her on and got her buckled and she started again with the ''I don't like it'' stuff (but with out the melt down). Being the mean mom I am I made her ride it...Success!! She liked it! The next ride we tried was an oval track and the car flung you around the corners. I totally blew it, she was scarred and after that did not want to go on anymore rides. 6 ride pints down and 14 more to go. We'll have to try again some other time and skip that ride.


Tim and Jenny said...

That's funny! I love the picture when you're in the cars...Andie definately looks concerned. :)

Unknown said...

Too funny! Give her a few more months and she will love it.

Great Grandma Ella said...

I enjoyed the story and pictures of "Andie's Adventures at Nickelodeon Universe." She looks so cute on the carousel.