Monday, October 27, 2008

Kacie's 1st Birthday

Kacie's birthday was filled with family and friends and when I say filled I mean FILLED with people, 15 adults and 10 kids all packed into our little house. It's so wonderful to know that my family and my children are loved and supported by so many amazing people. I just wish we had a bigger house so I could have invited even more family and friends! Kacie made out like a rock star and received lots of wonderful presents. Thank you to everyone who came. A shout out to Angel (my sister in law) who came out with her 4 kids plus a friend all by herself from an hour away, you are an inspiration, truly! It was so nice to see you even if it was only for a little while. To everyone who couldn't make it, we missed you but know you would have been here if you could. We are absolutely blessed and couldn't ask for anything more...besides a bigger house for parties! :)

Kacie's birthday cake

Lots of help opening presents

Yummy cake!!!

All done! Ready to come out!

Sleepy baby, ready for bed!

1 comment:

Great Grandma Ella said...

I've looked at these pictures a dozen times. I can hardly believe little Kacie is l year old.